Three Black Women Raise $60K, Help Africans Facing Racism Flee Ukraine

In the wake of Russia’s military invasion of Ukraine, Africans were among millions who fled for their lives to neighboring countries. When reports surfaced about Black people not being allowed fair access to evacuation transport—some even being removed from trains to make room for white passengers—3 African women went to work. Korrine Sky, Patricia Daley, and Tokunbo Koiki joined forces, quickly raised $60,000, and used social media to help more than 500 leave Ukraine. That’s 500 African students facing life-threatening conditions who were rescued by an effort led by Africans living abroad.
Click here to learn more about the amazing humanitarian work of 3 Sister Heroes who provided life-saving assistance when it was most needed. Be inspired by their example of what people of African descent, working together, can quickly and powerfully accomplish. We are our own rescue.

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